Tuesday, February 08, 2005

...the evolution of voice progresses

"as two reluctant lovers,
one involved with someone else,
the other involved with none but one,
their eyes communicate..."


The evolution of voice
will retard...
it will not continue...
it will not carry on...

The thought is in the air..
I can feel it...

In action, a voice progresses...
In the show of love and affection,
an "i love you" develops...
I wish to say "i love you"
for i truly do...
I wish to embrace you,
your body next to mine...
Desire is the word that describes what i feel...
And it is my desire to be with you...

I'm afraid, however, that we should stop this now --
Before these words evolve to voice...
For let the thoughts fly in mid air,
This is nothing compared to the assurance that a voice brings...


"in the darkness of the night,
their embrace is enveloped in secrecy."


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